International Ombudsmen gather at Aberystwyth

Public Services Ombudsmen from the UK, Ireland and Catalonia will gather at Aberystwyth University on Friday 21 June 2019 for an international seminar on how they hold public services to account. Chaired by Dr Elin Royles from the University’s Department of International Politics and Centre for Welsh Politics and Society, the expert seminar will bring…

Rural Policy in Wales after Brexit

We are pleased to publish our report, ‘After Brexit: Ten Key Questions for Rural Policy in Wales’, produced by the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society/WISERD at Aberystwyth University and the Centre for Rural Economy at Newcastle University. The report is based on a workshop with academic experts on rural policy, rural development and agriculture held…

Citizenship in the age of Brexit

As the political debate surrounding the UK’s exit from the European Union rages on, the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society Annual Public Lecture will discuss citizenship in the age of Brexit. ‘Citizenship, ‘Race’ and Class: Hannah Arendt and Raymond Williams in the age of Brexit’ will be delivered by Professor Daniel G Williams, Director…

Workshop Briefing Report: Evaluation, Impact and Outcomes: What does it mean for us?

We have published a briefing report on ‘Evaluation, Impact and Outcomes: What does it mean for us?’ that reports on the deliberations of workshops jointly organised by the Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) ESRC-funded Civil Society Research Centre and the Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services (CWVYS). The aim…

Re-advertisement PhD Funding Opportunities 2018/19 Entry ESRC Wales DTP Studentship Opportunities ESRC DPT Collaborative Studentship ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership Collaborative Studentship (fixed project): ‘Tackling policy challenges that others cannot reach: sub-state governments, policy integration and policy mainstreaming’ The studentship will critically engage with approaches to policy integration and policy mainstreaming across a range of public policy fields, including gender…

Cyfle i leisio barn ar ddyfodol y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol

Cyfle i leisio barn ar ddyfodol y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Bydd cyfle i drigolion Ceredigion ddweud eu dweud am ddyfodol y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol mewn cyfarfod agored ar nos Iau, 15 Mawrth 2018 am 6 yr hwyr yng Nghanolfan Arad Goch, Stryd y Baddon, Aberystwyth. Cynhelir y cyfarfod, Creu Senedd i Gymru, ar y cyd gan Ganolfan…

Have your say on the future of the National Assembly for Wales

Have your say on the future of the National Assembly for Wales Ceredigion residents will be able to voice their opinion on the future of the National Assembly for Wales at an open meeting which will be held at Theatr Arad Goch, Bath Street, Aberystwyth on Thursday, March 15 at 6pm. The meeting, Creating a…

Creating a Parliament for Wales – Have your say as part of our Electoral Reform consultation

As part of the Assembly Commission’s consultation on electoral reform, three events are being held across Wales during March to raise awareness of the consultation and provide context to the work done by the Expert Panel on Electoral Reform. The events have been arranged by the National Assembly for Wales in partnership with Wales Institute…

PhD Funding Opportunities 2018/19 Entry ESRC Wales DTP Studentship Opportunities ESRC DPT Collaborative Studentship ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership  Collaborative Studentship (fixed project): ‘Tackling policy challenges that others cannot reach: sub-state governments, policy integration and policy mainstreaming’ The studentship will critically engage with approaches to policy integration and policy mainstreaming across a range of public policy fields, including gender…