A Century and more of Studying Wales!

Saturday 24th June, 12:30 – 14:00, Aberystwyth Arts Centre Cinema

As part of the Aberystwyth University Reunion Weekend 2023, CWPS is hosting an event evaluating the University’s contribution to studying and understanding Wales over a century and more.

It will discuss contributions to studying Wales to date and into the future in fields including Geography and Earth Sciences, Art, Politics and Theatre, Film and Television Studies.


Professor Anwen Jones

Professor Rhys Jones

Dr Samuel Raybone

Dr Elin Royles

This event will be in English and Welsh, with simultaneous translation provided for individuals who do not speak Welsh.

This specific CWPS event is free and open to all, however, charges apply to attend the remainder of the Aberystwyth University Reunion Weekend 2023.

We look forward to seeing you there!

About the Reunion Weekend 2023

For further information, visit: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/development/newsandevents/events/reunion-weekend-2023/

The Reunion Weekend is an opportunity for Aber alumni, former staff and friends to come together and celebrate our history and successes and hear about future developments.

A chance to reconnect and reminisce with old friends, meet contemporaries, and see what has changed since you were a student here in Aber.

For further information on the event, please contact cwps@aber.ac.uk.

This event is organised by the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society (CWPS-WISERD) at Aberystwyth University.

Twitter: @CWPSAber

Facebook: @CWPSAber

Instagram: @CWPSAber


Jun 24 2023


12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

More Info

Register here
Register here

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