by cwps.admin.user | Jul 11, 2017 | Events, News, Uncategorized, University Life
MA Welsh Politics flyer 4.5.17
by cwps.admin.user | Jul 10, 2017 | Events, News, University Life
This summer some of the Global-Rural team are out and about at festivals in rural Wales. Researchers are conducting ethnographic observations and interviews with festival organisers to investigate processes of globalisation at work in and through some case-study...
by cwps.admin.user | Jul 10, 2017 | Events, News, University Life
PhD student Siobhan Maderson was one of twelve finalists in this year’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) writing competition, ‘Making Sense of Society’. Siobhan’s thesis, which is funded by the ESRC and Aberystwyth University as part of the...
by cwps.admin.user | Jul 10, 2017 | Events, News, University Life
Professor Michael Woods, Co-Director of the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society / WISERD@Aberyswtyth, has been elected as a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales in recognition of his contribution to the social sciences in Wales. Michael was introduced as a Fellow... by cwps.admin.user | Jul 10, 2017 | Events, News, Uncategorized, University Life, Video
A year on from the vote to leave the European Union, academics from Aberystwyth University will be discussing the response of young people in Wales at a conference in London on Thursday 22 June 2017. Dr Elin Royles and Dyfan Powel from the WISERD Centre for Welsh...
by cwps.admin.user | Jul 10, 2017 | Events, News
An innovative research project led by Aberystwyth University is asking whether there is a need to reconsider traditional assumptions regarding how to promote the revitalisation of minority languages. Language Revitalisation and Social Transformation (Revitalise), a...