Dr. Amy Sanders has published the paper: A Welsh Innovation in Inclusive Governance. Examining the Efficacy of the Statutory Third Sector-Government Partnership for Engaging the Third Sector in Policymaking.

This journal article examines how well the Welsh government’s partnership with the third sector works. This partnership, an innovation of devolution, gives the third sector a voice in policymaking, and is embedded in legislation. 

This paper looks at the extent that change takes place in an institution, recognising that such a partnership is a vehicle for policy change, but its processes are themselves under scrutiny as to the extent that they can change. Both forms of institutional change play a part in the perception of its efficacy. Yet the understanding of the partnership as a unique way of working in Wales, bolsters its perceived efficacy.  

This paper features in a special issue of the Revue Francaise de Civilisation Britannique concerning Welsh specificity. The foreword is written by Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales.

Read the paper here: https://journals.openedition.org/rfcb/11339

Contact Dr. Amy Sanders ams48@aber.ac.uk