‘Research methodologies and regional or minority language research’ Conference

Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Wales, UK

9 and 10 July 2024

Confirmed Speakers:

Dr Michele Gazzola, Ulster University

Dr Jone Goirigolzarri-Garaizar, Deusto University and Dr Ane Ortega, Equiling project

Professor Leigh Oakes, Queen Mary University of London

Professor Bernadette O’Rourke, University of Glasgow

Professor Marco Tamburelli, Bangor University

In-person event organised WISERD Research Centre Language Network, Centre for Welsh Politics and Society Aberystwyth University, Y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, UniNet – NPLD University Network, ac NPLD: Network for the Promotion of Linguistic Diversity.


As policy-makers and academics alike have become increasingly aware of the threats facing regional or minority languages, academic research into these languages is extremely important. This workshop will discuss and share best practice regarding research methodologies in the field of language planning and policy.

Oakes (2023) highlights a number of challenges for Language Planning and Policy research and its next stage of development relevant to research into regional or minority languages.  In particular, they argue for a greater focus on reconnecting with policy makers, the practical aspects of policy-making and their concerns as they ‘make and justify choices about language’.

The Conference

Consequently, this conference will examine methodologies of researching the main challenges facing language policy makers and practitioners and how to engage with the more practical aspects of policy-making and implementation in the area of regional or minority languages (to use the language of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages). Attention will also be given to responding to Oakes’ challenge of re-engaging with language planning and policy’s interdisciplinary origins by examining existing and potential multidisciplinary engagement with the field to address the complexities and challenges of fostering links across disciplines in research regarding regional or minority languages.

Amongst the key interest areas for considering methodologies to research regional or minority languages during the conference are:

-promoting language use, particularly researching the factors and values affecting social language use;

-including the voice of children and young people, and marginalised groups in research on regional and minority languages;

-researching bilingualism;

-the potential of citizen science in research in this area;

-methodologies for evaluating language policies and plans formulated as part of public policy;

-language landscapes;

-research into technology and regional and minority languages and/or usage of technology as a research tool in researching these languages;

-Multidisciplinary research and challenges that call for multidisciplinary research, for instance the impact of climate change on minority language communities, lesser used languages and artificial intelligence.

The conference will be organised as follows:

  • sessions led by key speakers
  • panel sessions with papers being presented, or panel discussion format
  • Posters

We have organised a reasonably priced package for attending the conference including premium ensuite on-campus accommodation with options for attending the conference for one or two days. You can register for the conference and book accommodation here.

More information on travelling to Aberystwyth here

Go to Call for Papers (deadline Wednesday 21 February 2024)