‘Research methodologies and regional or minority language research’ Conference

Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Wales, UK

9 and 10 July 2024

Call for Papers

The conference organisers welcome proposals for papers, panels or posters regarding research methodologies and research into regional or minority languages. We welcome contributions from various disciplinary perspectives and from practitioners involved in research.

Amongst the key interest areas we seek to investigate during the conference are methodologies to research regional or minority languages are the following:

-promoting language use, particularly researching the factors and values affecting social language use;

-including the voice of children and young people, and marginalised groups in research on regional and minority languages;

-researching bilingualism;

-the potential of citizen science in research in this area;

-methodologies for evaluating language policies and plans formulated as part of public policy;

-language landscapes;

-research into technology and regional and minority languages and/or usage of technology as a research tool in researching these languages;

-Multidisciplinary research and challenges that call for multidisciplinary research, for instance the impact of climate change on minority language communities, lesser used languages and artificial intelligence.

Key dates

The deadline for submitting proposals for this conference is midnight, Wednesday, 21 February 2024. We welcome proposals based on original, previously unpublished research in the above

areas in three formats: individual papers, posters and panels. Proposals should relate to one (or more) of the above themes.

Papers and posters

Please submit an abstract (300 words including references) of your paper or poster. This abstract should include sufficient detail to allow reviewers to assess the merits of the proposal.

Oral presentation slots within a session will be 15 minutes.

Posters will be installed as an exhibition in the conference. A session will be organised for poster authors to discuss them and share their findings with attendees.


We welcome panel proposals on the format of presenting papers or as a panel discussion. The scope for the panel should be clearly defined and the time assigned will vary from 1-hour to 1.5 hours in length.

Please submit a 600-word proposal outlining the focus of the panel, and including a brief summary of each paper/ the contribution of each panellist. Paper titles, the names and affiliations of contributors and the name of the Chair should also be included.  The person submitting the proposal is responsible for ensuring the consent of those listed as contributors prior to submitting the proposal.

We particularly welcome panel proposals that present perspectives from different countries or from more than one regional or minority language.

Proposals should include sufficient detail to allow reviewers to assess its merits.

 Submission guidelines Use the following form to submit your proposal/abstract:

  1. https://forms.office.com/e/6NT7PaHukA
  2. Please submit your proposal/abstract by Wednesday, 21 February 2024.
  3. Proposals may be submitted in English or Welsh. You can choose to present in Welsh or in English during the conference, with simultaneous translation provided from Welsh to English.
  4. All submissions will be reviewed by the organising committee. Their role is to ensure that the programme reflects conference aims, includes content relevant to different regional or minority language contexts and is multidisciplinary.
  5. As this is a two-day conference and places will be limited, it may not be possible to include all proposals in the conference programme. We thank everyone in advance for their interest in the conference.
  6. Contributors will be notified of acceptance before the end of March.

If you are accepted to contribute to panels during the conference you will need to register and book in the normal way within the timetable.