Seminar Cyhoeddus – Public Seminar ‘Understanding Wales’

Seminar Cyhoeddus – Public SeminarUnderstanding Wales

Dr Leon Gooberman, Prifysgol Caerdydd / Cardiff University

Seminar Elin ‘Understanding Wales’ Leon Gooberman 131117

‘Economic change and government reaction in Wales, 1934-2006’

12.00 Dydd Llun, 13 Tachwedd, 2017
Ystafell y Bwrdd, Y Ganolfan Delweddu,
Campws Penglais, Prifysgol Aberystwyth
12.00pm, Monday 13 November 2017

Executive Board room, Visualisation Centre,
Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth University


Throughout the twentieth century, Wales underwent rapid and far-reaching economic upheavals on such a scale that few avoided their impacts – from recessions, war, changing fortunes within the iconic steel and coal industries, the rise and decline of manufacturing, as well as the gradual rise of the service sector – the changes were as dramatic as was the intensity of attempts to deal with their consequences. Wales was a laboratory for government intervention, ranging from the attraction of investment and the clearance of land made derelict by industry, to the regeneration of urban areas. This session outlines why, how and with what effect governments intervened, before asking if previous interventions contain lessons for contemporary policymakers.